How do we accomplish an insane amount of excellent customer service on a consistent basis?
Our methodology was created to ensure every single interaction for every single customer is every bit satisfying and every bit high-value.
We seek to drive value and value in healthcare is a simple equation: Cost divided by Outcomes. In order to reduce the amount of unnecessary touch points and in order to help you increase the number of cases each adjuster can manage we compelled this service methodology.
Our 7 tenets of customer service define exactly how we interact with our customers.
Access gives our clients the ability to access their pharmacy benefit information and capabilities when they want it and where they want it.
Service commemorates the perspective of our team. We have a saying internally that we don’t mind sharing. “The Customer has the right to be unreasonable”. Call us old fashioned – we don’t mind.
Values define our governing behaviors and attitudes when it comes to the provision of service to our customers.
Responsiveness captures our commitment to speed. Our client’s and our client’s client outcomes are time dependent. We seek to remove this loss instance from the equation.
Process drives exactly what we do and how we do it to ensure our customers enjoy repeatable success and predictable interactions.
Flexibility is what our clients need. They simply do not work like all other companies and and big box PBM’s have tried to force our clients into a square hole for far too long.